20 thoughts on “A message from my therapist

  1. HI ya (((Robin)))-Ive lsot your e-mail addy-can you send it to me again please-is at the paradise.nz account NOT the addy I use for here–that is jsut made up one-if i use my home-right one–well it gets eatten as spam-hope your week is going well–I enjoyed Easter-lovely sun monkey dayz–we are now heading into Atutum–winter–give my best too (((Grizz))) will ya–Love ya Louise–xoxoxoxoxo

    can ya also check your yucka account mail –Ive inboxed you–he-he-he–xoxoxo

  2. Your new post on children is powerful, Jaye. I am covering a Health and Human Services Committee on child abuse as I type this. It’s good to know people think about these things. I want to fight people who don’t, fight my battle, your current post is so validating and comes at just the right time, for me.

  3. you know what, after i saw you viciously attacking someone for daring to be “anti-psychiatry” – a term, which btw, makes no sense whatsoever in any other medical profession, you’ll never hear of anti-dermatologists or anti-oncologists for people who refuse pimple treatment that fucks your liver or chemotherapy that makes you puke your innards out completely – thus proving that anti-psychiatry is just crap invented to defend a pseudoscience that’s interested in lifetime maintenance on exorbitantly expensive, damaging, mind-altering drugs which are just as evil as lsd, really, except they do straight-jacket to your brains v make them happy happy joy joy escape the nightmare now, oh i digress and in the interest of not being labeled a mumbling idiot with views fitting on a 2C stamp, i stop.

    this other visionary, philip, banned me from his blog after i dared say that psychotropic drugs make people violent, basically.

    now i see you, having kinda known you from back in the day that other moron, sascha scatter decided to ban me for life, because i dared point out he has major character flaws.

    who cares, i’ve been meds free now for 2 years, so i’m livin’ it large “while it lasts” oh yeah, i guess i never was a beeper to begin with, that’s why they all hate my guts the minute i dare say “it’s all in their head!”

    good luck with the chemical imbalance test and when all that fails, see if http://youtube.com/sfjane can show you the way out for good.

  4. you are the only one making a mockery out of yourself over at philip’s blog.

    i know i sound all pissed about life, the universe, & everything, i’ve heard it all before in terms of what a huge loser i am IRL and blogospherical whereabouts as well, but it’s a sorry state of affairs when folks that are clearly way above smart are just as brainwashed as everyone else.

    the consumers or whatever the hell you want to call them are all puppets. they are drugged up little ridiculous puppets who go around advocating for big pharma, without being paid a dime either.

    while y’all keep beating up on anyone who dares point out that perhaps the psychotropic drugs you eat daily are killing you and making you STUPID, you get stupider and stupider every day, yes, your brain is SHRINKING, there’s no kindling that mania does to your brain, it’s all their drugs killing your brain cells day in, day out.

    you remain unable to see the way business is driving medicine in U.S. across the board and in psychiatry, more than elsewhere, doctors have become (possibly unwilling) instruments of death.

    the road to hell is paved with good intentions, i’m sure they mean well, but they’ll end there just the same for closing their eyes and ears and refusing to listen to patients who still can see they are being killed, before their brains are too far gone to protest.

    i’m not pissed at you or philip, i feel sorry for you, because i’ve been where you guys are, defending a system that needs to be obliterated before they get their way with our kids and make everyone into comfortably numb happy happy joy joy consumer zombies.

  5. Do you deliberately misrepresent the views articulated by other people, or do you live in a complete fantasy world? I get emails constantly by dogmatists like you who scream at me like you and assume like you that I take psychotropic meds, which is completely insane.

    You know who takes psychotropics, right? The antipsychiatry leaders, who have made hypocrisy a way of life. That is a documented but little known fact. You know why they both rail against and consume psychotropic medications? It’s called a “fetish”, lookitup.

  6. Do you deliberately misrepresent the views articulated by other people, or do you live in a complete fantasy world?

    I’m not sure who that was directed at, so I have to assume it was me. Well, I’d have to say a little of both, but much more of the latter than the former. Although misrepresenting the views articulated by others is the stuff of life, I try to limit it to those who deserve some kind of fairly severe ridicule. something along the lines of “I know what you are, but what am I?” And who among the breathing doesn’t live in a complete fantasy world? It’s just that some fantasy worlds are better than others. Mine is okay for the most part, but could be better. I’m working on it. Well, working is a bit of a strong word, but I do intend to drift aimlessly in that direction.

    So what’s up FP. Are you pioneering a new paradigm in which comments for one post become the new “blog?” If so, great idea, I say. It’s working.

    Otherwise, get back to writing stuff for us. We’re needy. Our fantasy worlds just haven’t been the same since you left.

  7. Quite a lovely chastising Chuck. Ever read a post that made you feel like you were littering up the internets? Seems I’ve lost my bloggish nerve, waiting for some kind of muse to get me over the haldol up there. I know Roger Ebert once said the best advice he can give a writer is: “The Muse visits during the act of composition, not before.” I just don’t know.

  8. i for one was using you impersonally when it came to the part about eating psychotropic drugs, they all know who they are i be speaking of, so i’m kinda chuckling right now too.

    i still feel sorry for you, which is why it would never enter my stupid head to actually yell at you.

    like you, i know how to use proper capitalization to show virtual screaming.

    i haven’t paid attention to you in years, since way back when i emailed you once and i won’t pay attention to you again in years to come, but if i’m to give you this passing-through impression/assumption based on what i see of you at philip’s blog: you are totally losing it over nothing, so watch for the cops/white coats, they’ll have no problem institutionalizing you if you behave like this when you get stopped for let’s randomly say speeding.

  9. It’s boring zOtl, ever think that may be why some of us don’t post about big pharma? You and the antipsychiatry assclowns who infiltrate mental health blogs and write the same 900 word comments over and over again are mindnumbingly tedious, as are all pop-fixations. We know, zOtl, psychiatry is teh borg. Blow away now.

  10. Sorry, I didn’t mean it as chastising, more like a kiss on the cheek. But you know, I’m clumsy that way.

    What’s up with the troll? Never mind, that’s a rhetorical question. Her/his problem is obvious.

  11. No, not at all, it was just what I needed. I mean it, the subtle support took some time to sink in. I have 2 new posts up already, and remain ever enamored and grateful for you.

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