Housing. First.

Apologies to regular readers about the light posting, I spent the week running down opportunities for real life volunteer work and I have to learn about homelessness, so am back to the Internet for the goal-direction and learning tools.

I remember when getting off the streets meant you can walk into a 24 hour drop in center at 2 AM, upset, hysterical, crying, and a nice social worker would take you in and make you a sandwich. Sit next to you on the couch and listen to your problems, then give you a blanket and squeeze your shoulder and tell you it will be all right. And when you wake up on your own schedule, the social worker pours you a cup of fresh coffee, offers you a cigarette and asks how you slept. The two of you sit at the kitchen table with a telephone and rolodex, which the social worker matter-of-factly refers to as “resources”, and starts dialing numbers, flipping through the cards. Food stamps, clothing, housing, transportation, employment. There is a sense of purpose and a real clear focus. None of it on a broken brain, all of it on essential needs, a walk up Maslow’s ladder, step-by-step, nothing more and nothing less. Reality based. Problem solving. At the end of the day you have 3 appointments, you’re still sad, but you believe in the things you have to believe if you’re going to go on. People will help, problems can be solved, I don’t have to fall off the radar, I can get attention and still be safe.

Thirty years ago this was how it went for me the 3 times I had no place to go, because dignity, boundaries and empathy were built into the model. What the hell happened? There was no psychiatric assessment, no “behavioral health” component, no substance abuse checklist, no prefabricated codes of conduct. There were offerings that relate to mental health, yes, presented without emphasis, because they must have rightly understood that to go beyond offering resources, with a punitive, coercive and paternal process would add to my degradation, which has to lessen if a person is going to tap into their will, which doesn’t just pop up automatically once it’s defeated. Homelessness is defeating. The helper’s role is to inspire hope, so you can stand up, square your shoulders and go forward.

I just don’t get it. This week I’ve been talking to homeless people, because it’s cold and they’re just standing around. It’s not that they’d rather go it alone, it’s that they are meant to go it alone, to die. I know this because a few years ago you could hand your food stamps out to a homeless woman and she could walk into the store and get something to eat for herself and her child for the first time all day. Human Services went to debit cards in order to stop that practice. The message is clear, play by our rules or they can die.

The one thing that keeps me from being homeless is my house. Tis a gift to be simple, folks.

I’ve lived in my own mobile home for ten years, and the most stabilizing thing in my life is my mortgage. I’ve had one episode of major depression in the last five years, didn’t leave the house for 2 months, til the threat of losing my roof sent me to the psych clinic for the Effexor. Which I took until I got better, and discontinued after 3 months because I was allowed to, because I no longer needed to, because I am not in the system, where an un-medicated brain is seen as better off dead, according to all the latest scientific research genocidal maniacs.

11 thoughts on “Housing. First.

  1. Feel free 2 behead words Robin-2 many rattling any ways

    It’s not that they’d rather go it alone, it’s that they are meant to go it alone, to die

    Cull the poor-And make fucking money while ya at it-.

    Robin my heads fucked with this one-Triggered. I don’t know why. I preferred too -sleep over-night in toilets rather than go home and-that was after I left home-
    -Home is all just Concept 2 me.

    I didn’t know how too make a home–an environment for my self, how 2 hold on to things-
    Nah-I never had no nice no one till I hit 26., hell I didn’t even wanta go near the church ppls-I saw all as threat. I hear they call me combative.-not that I would be reacting to their prefect personals.

    Mentally Ill– PTSD–all the we wanta save you from yourself shirt opps-self-nah shite
    -Diagnosing ppls, these low paid helpers-what’s that about-?-counselors Dxing ppls
    Off the books-to help them–there verbal chimp chatter –Our stories used as -Party Spatter-
    A light fill in story for that dinner party-.

    Some times homeless is the best way 2 go cos its that bad. They do want us dead-the signs r there–the police–Christ the way they treat the mentally ill-home-less–they peak us like in the movie birds.
    We’re just another wave of it ; Swell Maps hey Robin.

    I wonder how many investment profiteers my mental illness has paid for.

    I hit the streets way young-I couldn’t stay at home-all that abuse-I needed air.

    Schema therapy – now I know when my shits showing-wah who.

    They get paid to hurt us and call it help. I know too many home-less ppls-
    All ill and poor -abused–Christ ppls treat them like trash now-

    I don’t know when the compassion left the building-but it feels orchestrated.
    We are the dark showdowns for cops-customs-psychiatrists.-nurses-low paid helpers.

    They dramatize our behaviors 2 off their there own insecurities .
    They call us complex-that always makes me hah-hah.

    They’re so grounded they have homes, well hell may be 2-3.
    Profiteering – on the backs of helping the mentally ill-

    because I no longer needed to, because I am not in the system, where an un-medicated brain is seen as better off dead, according to all the latest scientific research genocidal maniacs.

    I am wide smiling-I finish therapy soon- a couple of months–then No more Psy System.
    R the T had to trim off his trauma patients -hell ya get more for ya money and can push them thru faster with Social Anxiety disorder–I’ve been so damn well served-nurtured and cared for

  2. I found this Poodle, an old blog called survival guide to homelessness:

    It has been said before, but it is worth repeating: the homeless problem is the problem the housed have with the homeless.

    I was just reading a terrific little blog item about a kid in Washington that had managed to set himself up as a computer consultant using a Starbucks wifi network while homeless. When Starbucks was closed, he spent the night at Kinko’s. He scrounged for food and computer equipment. He worked for tips. He kept himself very clean. He surfed the internet for girls. In short, he had created a lifestyle. The blogger who was writing about him gave him a substantial amount of money hoping he would change his life. Of course, he couldn’t understand why the wifi kid spent it on computer equipment.

    The blogger couldn’t understand it because he refused to acknowledge that this man had a legitimate and sustainable lifestyle. When given money, he reinvested it in that lifestyle, as any responsible, reasonable person does. The blogger was angry at him. Why, oh why, didn’t he struggle to get a home? The man was already home.

    Homelessness changes you. So does having a house. Your priorities become the priorities of the extant lifestyle. What you do with money has much to do with how you are living. All lifestyles are investments, and we continue to add resources in an effort to improve their performance. Abandoning a lifestyle is something we never do without a serious push. Once a lifestyle is comfortable, why should it be abandoned?

    This is another reason that charity is so unsavory. It comes from a position of superiority. The charitable feel they have a right to determine the goals, purposes, and uses of their charity. It lacks dignity. I don’t mean for the recipient. I mean it is not dignified to try to direct the lives of others, to be so involved in the details of other lives. It’s a failure to understand boundaries.


    It lacks dignity for the people doing the “help” as all help, modification and correction does when it’s only one way.

    People working together, equals with open heads and hearts, open to changing each other, that’s how it has to be, I and thou.

  3. Just want you to know that I love your writing and this blog. How I could just hug you for the nice social worker who would make me or anyone else who is crying a sandwich.

    That may be the best thing I have read in six months.

    Also don’t forget the firemen in Austin down the street from my condo who gave me a blanket and a coke and dialed the police and my shrink after my father beat me. The fireman who answered the door burst into tears when he saw me.

    Don’t forget the social worker who road with the police in Austin who took me back to my house. She had a teddy bear in the car, too.

    Thinking of you often.

  4. Direct your anger some place else.

    Fucking never respond on furious seasons to one of my posts again bitch. And you’re banned from any of my future websites.

    If your entire identity wasn’t wrapped in a completely false ideology, and every dollar you get from the state wasn’t wrapped up in it, if your very living wasn’t wrapped in the lie that you are biologically defective, you’d get over yourself and shut the fuck up.

    But no, Mommy and Daddy are so proud of their co opted lifelong client of psychiatry living off the state.

    How could someone who lives in the same city as the great John Breeding be on welfare for psych? Get a fucking job and pull your head out of your fucking ass you fucking ridiculous cunt.

    There’s nothing wrong with apart from the fact you trusted a pseudoscience to explain the ups and downs of normal life, and you ALLOWED your identity to be railroaded and molded into some grotesque welfare mooching mental patient.

    Fuck you. Your life’s already over anyway. What the fuck could someone possibly do to change the world for the better and come out against psychiatry when your very fucking living is supported by the state agreeing with your self identification as a walking birth defect.

    Ok birth defect, go on, crawl away. If you had any balls you’d fucking get off welfare, denounce the label, stop living the label, stop fucking feeling sorry for yourself, go out into the world and stake your own claim, and be a man, or a woman whatever the fuck you are, and fucking well go out there and secure a living in an honest way.

    I mean listen to you, you clearly are one messed up fucking cunt. If you had any balls what so ever, you’d be fucking living off your own sweat, not that of a society who mistreated you and took away your natural born neurological freedom.

    You’d be living on your own sweat, and in the off time, speaking out against what happened to you with your fucking head held high.

    Fuck You.

    Pathetic Cunt that you are.

  5. Just read your fucking ‘awkward’ about page again bitch.

    You disagree with biopsych yet you are on welfare on the pretense that you are mentally ill.

    Fucking dishonest as it gets.

    Lazy. Fucking. Bitch.

    Now go an paste this on Furious Seasons you predictable grandstanding slut.

    I’ll change the world while you sit in your fucking trailer complaining.

    I fucking hate you too.

  6. You can’t hurt me. But I’m a little worried about you. That comment I left at furious seasons, that’s nothing personal, just part of my charm. Defending him, because he’s my friend, do you understand how that works?

    If you will get ahold of yourself, apologize for the sexist aggro hate speech I might give you another chance to tell me what’s on your mind. But, based on your total dicksuckery, including the other comments I deleted, and the ones Philip deleted at furious seasons, you are in moderation. You wrote a dozen comments and have made yourself voiceless in the process. That is the definition of self-defeating behavior. Think about it.

    You don’t have to make enemies in the blogosphere, you can make connections instead. Even if you don’t agree with another person, which tends to make things interesting. We got off on the wrong foot, and it doesn’t faze me. But I’m not available for what you’re putting out. Come back on the square or not at all.

  7. The cutting breath of homelessness.-

    My life was in drought-then came wonderful housing

    Not so triggered now-one of the best things 2 happen in my life was Ron the T. Close too that is my wonderful housing .If I hadn’t had such great–secure and affordable housing I doubt that I would have done my 5 plus years of therapy-I needed a shell 2 crawl into and under some days-A lotta Days.

    Growing up I didn’t feel safe at home-becos it wasn’t safe for me. Iam the youngest of 5-so while the oldest brother R is on smack and co-co-co-ing his arse around town-Iam all of 5 years old.

    As young as I can remember stuff was always stolen off me -addicts and drunks-R even stole the carpet of the living room floor.

    When I was 10 he started stealing my clothing-nothing was safe. My bed-room was never no womb-comfy -hole for me 2 bunker down in-was all hidden weapons and safe guards -furniture against the door as a fast “Hold him out” move. Even my mother trashed my room -smashed my records-ripped posters off walls and The NME magazines all the way from England were Prayed over and ripped up..

    She was-Ugly-too all my things 2 times. I gave up and went inside self.-I plotted-planned and escaped young-but always 2 live in work-jobs. I didn’t Know HOW too make a home.

    Add 2 this-my mother told me that W Road house was Evil – she would constantly pray over rooms etc,
    Had me believing that rooms held the devil-rooms held the bad shit that happened in them-also that our family was cursed. I couldn’t win . Those stuffing’s were hard shit too shift in therapy-part of a Schema therapy form asked about fearing homelessness- Poodles a work in progress-I so Love my home-it is part of a complex for ppl’s with low-level mental health issues and also affordable housing .Is a join venture between the council and the church ..my old girls brigade teacher sort me out-I love ((((Shirley)))) a wonderful Baptist women . Her and her husband ((((David))))) had been working on this project in one form or another for 15 years. I love them both dearly. Their son is very mentally ill and now physically ill cos of the long team effects of psy medicines.

    So I was living in shitty housing-whoring and shooting up smack. I was hiding from ppl”s who loved me. I hated my life, what I had rejuiced it too. Along comes with Shirley the perfect platter of acceptance-support there and then-ongoing contact but not too much-xoxoxoxo. I got too pick my home while it was being build. I was un able too express the Sheer Joy I felt and still do in flushes. I love my home. It is beautiful, I have lived here for over 7 years, this is the longest lived any where -WOW.. Iam safe here and my home is beautiful and I can breath here in my splitter-class-cocoon. I love therapy-Iam going too miss R the T like a limp for who knows how long. Thanks for being here ((((Robin))))-Ive done great work kicked off by your blog-xoxoxoxo-This is my housing-


  8. Yeah sister to the bone, your story is my story and the way we turned out, with a greater capacity for what should have by all rights been killed off. Yes, the cops and the hiding and the guns and the drugs all over the house, beatings and sexual abuse by mom’s boyfriends, she’d trash my room, turn and hiss “now clean up your mess.” Gah! She wasn’t a godbag, but religion was a big part of it, seances, and witchcraft, hysterical spells with religious overtones, the day she begged me to kill myself she was on her knees, praying to god, praying to me

    do it, do it, do it

    She never tired of telling me that the first time she held me in her arms she nearly threw me on the floor, and spent the day working up the balls to put me in a garbage can. Then we came home from the hospital, and my dad drove passed the house and shot out the picture window, so I heard.

    There are so many people like us, I’ve met through my life, so many broken hearts held together with crazy glue, celebrating, in love with better times. Damn right I’m proud of my trailer, proud of me too.


  9. Never ever to touch the hand
    Of the lady with the makeshift sign
    That proclaims in pencil
    The fact that as the Cadillacs dart past
    She is homeless.

    She lives with science.
    It is her needle.
    It is inoculation of the outsider.
    Gaunt, weary, the truth walks versatile
    Stately, mad, homeless.

    Inside the barricades
    Of the theft on reoccurring parade
    Misadventures of word
    Do the deed
    By way of mystification.
    Waver not, this slight of hand
    Wands in air
    As click go the door locks.

    Mad permeates the chain fence of time
    Known as abuse
    From child to decades
    While this method of speech
    Known as double bind
    And confusion
    Runs free as capitalistic principles.

    May the child break
    Something other than like a heart of glass.

    And you say watch, the victims notice only their own howling
    And should transform their cries
    By forces within.
    I say screw you, you commit another sin with your bombastic acidity
    While the thick yet arid air of elucidation
    Jewel encrusted stupidity and black smoke paunch
    Weak in its dark passageways
    New in its incarnation, old in its base.

    Things swing, and all begins in pendulum or domino dominion.
    Pull the string, the top is bottom, the child infused by the blood of night or day,
    The habitat by the habitat.

  10. ((((Grizz)))))–I love your words–those words–thank-you for your beautifuls-xoxoxo

    The vision for the housing complex was clear: “providing a healing environment through architecture, design, landscaping, and a sense of community”.
    The project represents a revolution in the provision of social housing. Dubbed “palaces for the poor” by the local media, the design provides high quality housing at the same cost as the Council’s conventional concrete-block pensioner flats.

    Great value for money-so many ppl”s worked there butt’s off 2 get this up and going-one day there will be more-Monkey Clapping here. I too LOVE my home Robin-Feeling proud–a wonderful thrill feeling for me–so happy you have it too.

    I like the sound of your Trailer -I have only seen nips of it-the photo of yourself with your legs wrapped over the other-great boots on.. a very their hat-a charming smile-smooch its Robin. Love that photo.

    .We don’t have many Trailers yet but they make sense 2 me more than-Average housing-in this day and age. Also for me Ive got some piece of small land in middle of no where-well its now becoming some-where.–??–Land costs so much money now- . Umm-In the 1970+s ppl”s were using old-shipping-containers 2 live in, the State interferes so much now and chargers you $$$$ for it. I want a Trailer. The whether here is amendable for it.

    2 Own your Space is a beautiful thing .Robin-Iam glad you have this–is a great anchor for you-?-
    Aren’t it grand 2 have a home and feel-what-ever-ya want in it-its yours. God-I snuggle up on my sofa now-I was too PTSD wired at first, could not even lye on my own sofa–so many emotions attached 2 housing-home-status-creative-stable–

    Yeah sister to the bone, your story is my story and the way we turned out, with a greater capacity for what should have by all rights been killed off.

    We”re beautiful , intact we got great Skills-we have so very much now-4 me I don -I love my life-Confused I may be but Home is my second skin really.!!. Music–Words rattling around in my head very young . An Out-Let–a hiss not a bang. I loved words-I remember learning 2 read and just knowing this was ALL I had–words. I was little.

    Then the music–each record a small loft-a different environment in head-time out filled with beauty .

    (((Robin)))) U give so much-thanks-going too phone u this Kiwi Week-end -I put my finil statement in regarding the psy Abuse case-

    Looking 4ward 2 chatting

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